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Parenting with a Global Vision

Intentional discipleship is hard. Let us help.

By Via Families

We live in a world of competing values and clamoring voices. Our family schedules are filled with what feel like important things and, in an era of history unlike any before, we wonder how best to intentionally disciple our children.

In the chaos of life, we know it is hard to remember that taking time to disciple our children in this moment matters past today. The challenges are real, but in the midst of all these things Jesus is inviting you and your children to join Him into the greatest story ever told.

Parenting with a Global Vision takes you on a 6-week journey of discovering why consistently guiding your children toward God’s heart and purposes for the nations may be the most strategic investment you ever make.

Explore what it means for your family to step into God’s story while engaging in deep and meaningful discussions with other parents along the way.

Printed Book

Digital Document



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Via Families
Via's family team is dedicated to helping everyday families find their role in God's story among the nation. They are passionate about walking alongside parents as they disciple their children and believe that every believer - even the youngest - has a part to play in God's mission.

In theologically astute and practically helpful ways this new resource will give every parent the framework necessary to live out God’s global purposes with their children.

Dr. Brian Haynes
Author of Shift, What it Takes to Finally Reach Families Today

How It's Used

Designed for parents, primarily with children ages 4-12, this 6-lesson study can be used independently, with a spouse, or with a small group. Participants complete the individual lesson on their own prior to meeting with the group. A guided group discussion page at the end of each lesson provides steps and questions to go deeper in the content as a group. There are no additional videos or materials needed.

To learn more about leading a Parenting with a Global Vision study, check out free Extended Leader’s Guide.

What You’ll Learn

  • How parenting connects to God’s mission
  • Practical ways to bring purpose into everyday moments and conversations
  • Ways to help your children learn about unreached peoples
  • Five habits to build into your family rhythms

Parenting with a Global Vision will inspire your family to have God’s heart for reaching the world with the gospel. This guide is solidly grounded in God’s Word, and it’s so engaging! The activities and discussion questions will take parents and small groups from learning to living it out!

Tom Chilton
Director Awana Europe and North Asia in USA
Changed Life Story

The study has been a huge blessing to me and my family. I loved the biblical strength of the material. Everything was based on the Bible and that encouraged me to be empowered as a parent with a global vision. It was eye-opening for us to feel part of the great history of God blessing the nations: God– Abraham’s family– Puerto family– the nations. I used to think very little could be done by our family, but now I think a lot can be done. It has been very encouraging to think that my children have enormous potential to be used by God, in ways bigger than I can ever imagine. And much more with lives consecrated to God from a very young age.

Since the study, I have been attentive to ways I can teach my children the truths of God and connect those truths to the great story of God and His mission. I want to be consistent and intentional in daily devotions and prayer times for the world, especially for those who have never heard the gospel. We plan to adopt an ethnic group to be praying for as a family. 

-- David Puerto, Guatemala 

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