This summer we jumped into a fresh series called “Summer Sessions” where we shared a mix of classic discipleship messages and inspiring conference messages and workshops that we believe will be invaluable for your ministry. We would love for you to listen to this and have your staff and student leaders listen in as well and discuss how it applies to your life.
Born to Reproduce by Dawson Trotman
God used this message to change Paul's life perhaps more than any other. When he was a freshman at the University of Oklahoma, Max Barnett assigned it to listen to this old cassette tape with an unusual title by an old dead guy that he had never heard of named, Dawson Trotman. Little did he know that the principles in this message would change his life forever.
Movements that Change the World by Steve Addison
Steve Addison, author of books including “Movements That Change The World” and “The Rise and Fall of Movements” knows what it takes to see an exponential movement for the gospel. This recording is of a webinar that Campus Multiplication Network hosted for a bunch of collegiate ministry leaders around the world.
Give Me Freshman or Give Me Death by Paul Worcester
Paul Worcester shares on the planning, prayer and effort he and his team put into reaching freshman on their campus.
How To Reach Greeks On Campus by Steve Shadrach
Steve Shadrach shares on how to reach greeks on campus.
Hero Maker by Dave Ferguson
Dave Ferguson, shares with around 200 leaders from Campus Multiplication Network key insights from his book “Hero Maker” on how to raise up other leaders that will result in multiplication of churches and ministries.
Better Talks Faster: A Busy Leader’s Guide to Connecting with This Generation by David Worcester
David Worcester, lead Pastor of Compass Church, shares practical tips and strategies for putting together Biblical talks that will impact students' lives.
5 Keys for Developing a Personal Ministry on Campus by Steve Shadrach
Steve Shadrach provides foundational elements if you are going to have a fruitful ministry of personal evangelism and disciple-making.
Becoming a Laborer Factory by Paul Worcester
Paul Worcester shares how you can be sure your personal disciple-making process is simple and rapidly reproducible.