God's Heart for Muslims

Embrace Muslims with the love of Christ

By Keith Swartley

From the editor of the globally available program, Encountering the World of Islam, Keith Swartley walks through both the religion of Islam and relevant Bible passages, exploring ways that Christians can seek out and love their Muslim neighbors. 

God’s Heart for Muslims is an eight-lesson study designed to illuminate the tapestry of cultures and the beautiful people who identify with the Muslim faith—a quarter of the world’s population. On this journey, you’ll discover Christ’s desire to be known and that all would have the opportunity to know him. As you also engage with the story of the Bible, you will learn simple, practical ways to build relationships and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims.

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Printed Book

Digital Document

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Amharic (coming soon)

Bahasa Indonesian (coming soon)

Chinese Simplified (coming soon)

Chinese Traditional (coming soon)


Hindi (coming soon)

Korean (coming soon)

Languages.African French


Spanish (coming soon)

Swahili (coming soon)

About the Author

Keith Swartley, Encountering Muslims
Keith Swartley has had a heart for Muslims since first befriending them in the old town of Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa in 1983. Since then, Keith has enjoyed learning from and sharing with Muslims in the Republic of Georgia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Nigeria, Philippines, ... Read More
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