Security of the Believer
Before you can actually grow in a relationship with another person you must first meet them. When a student puts their faith and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ, the relationship begins. But for many who make that decision, doubt creeps in. Questions arise like: Am I really saved? Was my faith genuine? I just sinned again, was my decision real? Satan has a field day whispering doubts into our minds and hearts. If you believed and received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Bible says you are born again, saved, a new creature, forgiven, a forever child of God. From the Lord’s perspective, you have “eternal security” and if we will believe His promises we can have an “assurance of our salvation.” But if we question His word or allow our feelings or doubts to control us, we will struggle to grow in a relationship with someone we aren’t even sure we know! Study these verses, and answer these questions. Get real with God and yourself. Take Him at His word—now and forever!
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