Summer Goals Worksheet

By Paul Worcester

How a student chooses to invest their summer can be a huge accelerant in their walk with Jesus or it could be a spiritual train wreck, should they choose to waste it. As their discipler, you can give them a vision and help prepare them to make the most of their summer for Christ. Your input can shape their trajectory as a lifelong follower of Jesus AND prepare them for significant impact on campus when they return in the fall.

We use this guide with everyone who is getting discipled in our ministry. It is especially helpful for those who won’t have the structure of a summer discipleship project or mission trip. We have adapted The Word Hand and The Wheel illustrations from The Navigators to create a process for students to identify their growth areas for their time away from our ministry.

This summer goals worksheet has proven to be an invaluable tool for our leaders in helping the students we are discipling make the most of their summer. The way we use it is to simply print a copy and give it to the student we are discipling to fill out sometime that week. We will then discuss their answers with them in the next week. The worksheet is a first step in an intentional plan to stay faithful with their basic spiritual disciplines through goal writing. It also encourages students to find an accountability partner to help them stay consistent with their goals.

Feel free to print and use the guide below or to adapt it in a way that better fits your ministry. I just want to help you make a significant difference in the lives of your students over the summer!

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About the Author
In 2009 Paul and his wife Christy planted Christian Challenge at California State University, Chico from scratch. Since then, they saw a movement of God with over 1,000 college students indicating decisions to become followers of Jesus, with many growing as disciples and learning to multiply their ... Read More
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