The Book of Acts Bible Study

By Tyler Ellis

The opening paragraph of The Book of Acts makes it clear that it is a sequel. Part One was The Gospel of Luke, which gave an account of Jesus’ life, miraculous ministry, claims and teachings, the training of his disciples, and his death and resurrection. In Part Two, Luke writes about the continuation of what Jesus “began to do and teach.” Acts picks up where The Gospel of Luke left off. Each of the four Gospels concludes with the resurrection of Jesus, after which Jesus gave the disciples what has come to be known as “The Great Commission,” to take his message to the world. Hence “Acts” is the apostles “acting out” The Great Commission.

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About the Author

Tyler Ellis, English With Friends
Tyler has been in ministry since 1999, including five years with the Adventures In Missions program, and fourteen in College Ministry. For ten of those years, he served on the Campus for Christ board, helping plan an annual conference ( In 2020, he started a new ministry called, ... Read More
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