All Series Episodes
Season FourEpisode 75

Transforming Your Ministry to a Sending Base for the Nations with Linda Mohlman

November 29, 2023

Linda Mohlman, college director at New Heights Church in Fayetteville, AR shares about being a witness to the transformation that takes place in the lives of college students via short-term trips.

CMT Podcast: Season Four
Episode 70September 06, 2023
The Secret Sauce of the Salt Company with Troy Nesbitt

Troy Nesbitt shares on the secret sauce of the SALT Network.

Episode 71September 27, 2023
Helping Students & Leaders Find Freedom from Porn with Tyler McMahan

Tyler McMahan with Athletes in Action (AIA), at the University of Arkansas talks about how your students and leaders can find freedom from pornography. 

Episode 72October 18, 2023
7 Principles for a Campus Ministry Movement with Steve Shadrach

Shad and Paul unpack 7 principals for a campus ministry movement. Whether you're starting from scratch or you're already well into your ministry, these tips will help you develop your momentum into a movement.

Episode 73October 25, 2023
Powerful Recruitment Strategies: Building Movements on Campus with Steve Shadrach

Steve talks about how to become master recruiters for your students and your campus!

Episode 74November 07, 2023
Every Day Is A Mission Trip with Paul Worcester

Paul Worcester dives deep into the urgency and importance of sharing the Gospel on your campus. Get ready to be inspired and challenged as we explore the power of prayer, the need for laborers, and the impact of personal ministry.

Now Playing
Episode 75November 29, 2023

Transforming Your Ministry to a Sending Base for the Nations with Linda Mohlman

Episode 76December 13, 2023
Exploring the Asbury Outpouring with Zach Meekreebs

Zach Meekreebs shares valuable insights from the Asbury revival and the importance of humility, consecration, and prayer on college campuses.

Episode 77January 10, 2024
Simple but not Easy; Creating a Culture of EDM with David Englehart

David Englehart, Director of NMSU Christian Challenge in Las Cruces, New Mexico shares inspiring stories of mentorship, the transformative power of scripture memory, and the importance of follow-up in evangelism and disciple making.

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