Fellowship, Baptism, and the Church

By Via Students

Part of the Basics Series

Lesson 9

Bonding together with other believers is one of the most important things you can do to keep growing in your faith and witness. To isolate yourself is like taking a burning log out of the roaring fire and tossing it out on its own. Before long the flame will disappear, it will start to smolder and smoke, and will finally become totally extinguished. Committing yourself to other Christians who are walking with God will help keep you walking with God for the long haul. Find a good church that preaches the Word of God and plug in to learn, serve and grow. If you haven’t been baptized, do it. Jesus was baptized and tells us to do so as well. It doesn’t save you, but is a powerful outward sign to the whole world of an inward commitment you have made to Christ. Look up these passages and see how the Lord wants to work in your life.

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Via Students
Via Students is a Global Equipping Team of Via. The Via Students Team's goal is to encourage, equip, and serve the collegiate body of Christ through elevating evangelism, disciple-making, and missions mobilization to the unreached.
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