Witnessing: Sharing the Good News

By Via Students

Part of the Basics Series

Lesson 10

Paul wrote, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation…” in Romans 1:16. He wasn’t just saying “live out” the gospel. No, in context he was saying we are to communicate the actual message, a verbal declaration, to others. I don’t fully understand it, but when you and I step out in faith and explain the gospel to someone the “power of God” shows up. The gospel = the power of God, according to this passage. Don’t be ashamed. Don’t be passive. Spend the rest of your life taking the initiative to share the gospel, asking people if they would be willing to believe and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. If you are faithful to do that, you will leave behind a wake of impact and influence beyond your imagination!

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Via Students
Via Students is a Global Equipping Team of Via. The Via Students Team's goal is to encourage, equip, and serve the collegiate body of Christ through elevating evangelism, disciple-making, and missions mobilization to the unreached.
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