
Explore: PurimAs parents, we often seek ways to teach our children God’s truth while helping them grow in empathy and understanding of people who don’t yet know God. Exploring different cultures and traditions and teaching our children to pray is a meaningful way to do both. One tradition to explore with your family is Purim (POOR-im), a Jewish holiday celebrating God’s faithfulness, courage in the face of fear, and the power of standing up for others.  An annual spring holiday, Purim commemorates God’s deliverance of the Jewish people from destruction as recorded in Esther. In
Alicia Bennett, Mobilizer Mom

March 07, 2025

Be Faithful in Prayer“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Romans 12:12) The Bible teaches us to be faithful and persistent in prayer for all people and in all situations. Often, our prayers for people who do not know about Jesus are not answered immediately, especially when we pray for unreached people groups living in places where the gospel has not been heard yet. But sometimes, we get a glimpse of what God is doing. Here are a few of these glimpses to encourage you and your family to keep praying.  Openness through prayer “Therefore I tell you, whatever you
Marleen Mortin, Operation Mobilisation

February 20, 2025

Helping Your Child Find Freedom From AngerYou are driving down the highway and hear a warning “ding” from your car’s computer system. You look down at the instrument panel and see a flashing indicator light. It is bright red, looks like an engine, and has an exclamation point next to it. How annoying! You proceed to grab the duct tape from the glove compartment, rip off a piece, and cover up the flashing red light so that it won’t bother you anymore while you continue driving. You have just made a foolish decision. The red warning light is not there to annoy you, but to let you know about a serious problem in
Rob Rienow, Visionary Family Ministries

February 10, 2025

Talking to Children about PersecutionPersecution is not an easy topic for anyone, especially for our children. It is heavy, frightening, and difficult to understand. For families who’ve never experienced mistreatment for being Jesus-followers, it probably seems like a foreign concept.  For many years, I served in a country where persecution is a reality for believers in Jesus. I listened to a sister in Christ seeking wisdom on teaching the Bible to boys and girls in their church because the government wouldn’t allow children to attend with their parents. I mourned with friends whose church was shut down by autho
Mindy Christensen, Via

January 20, 2025

Meet the UyghursHelp your family embrace God’s love for the world by developing a habit of learning about other cultures. Read this story together to learn about and pray for the Uyghurs (WEE-gurz), an unreached Muslim people group in Northwest China and Central Asia. Welcome to Kashgar (KASH-gahr) where, in the Old City, narrow alleyways and ancient mud-brick buildings with colorful arched windows are giving way to modern, concrete architecture and wider streets. Signs here use both Arabic script and Chinese characters. Vendors at the Kashgar Bazaar sell a variety of food and drinks—freshly sque
Jenny Marcelene

January 10, 2025

Living Like Jesus: Simple Ways to Reflect Christ in Your HomeThroughout the Christmas season, we celebrate that Jesus came to earth and shared in our humanity. Jesus demonstrated and taught us to be like him. Romans 8:29 tells us:  “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” God calls us to conform to his image. This calling means that as parents, we commit to growing personally into Christ's image and loving our children into his image as well. Structure and repetition provide a solid foundation for children to grow in this way.
Mindy Christensen, Via

December 20, 2024

The Might of Mites: Children in His StoryChildren possess simple, practical faith that can inspire and call other believers to action. In this account, God uses a young girl to grow her congregation’s vision for what God might desire to do through them. The ripple effect of her vision is still impacting believers today. The year was 1884. The place was Philadelphia (US). Six-year-old Hattie May Wiatt lived with her family near the church they attended each week. Hattie loved walking to Sunday School to sing worship songs and learn about God, but she faced a big problem. Grace Baptist Church was bursting at the seams. The leade
Karen Hardin, Via

December 10, 2024

Live Out God's Work: Advent Prayers for the NationsThe countdown to Christmas is on! Focus your children on the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Make an Advent Prayer Chain with your family and intercede for unreached peoples living in cultures where the gospel has not yet penetrated.
Generational Legacy-LeaversGod desires to build his kingdom through families. In Genesis 17, God changes Abram’s name to Abraham and promises to make him the father of many nations. God establishes an eternal covenant with Abraham and his offspring that will be passed down from generation to generation (Genesis 17:1-7). About 2000 years later, God fulfills his covenant to bless all peoples through Abraham and his descendants–Christ the Messiah is born to be the Savior of the world. Today, more than 4000 years after the time of Abraham, God still uses generational legacies to make himself known. My great-gre
Mindy Christensen, Via

November 07, 2024

Helping Children Deal With PersecutionAmbokile*, his wife, and two children live in East Africa where they reach out to the local community. As Christians, their family is in the minority in this area. Sharing about Christ with anyone of another faith can lead to severe persecution. When some local people became followers of Christ, Ambokile’s family became a target. They had to leave their house and flee the area to protect their lives. “This was a traumatic experience for us all,” Ambokile shared. “I struggled to explain what happened to my children. They did not understand and had many fears. I also had
Marleen Mortin, Operation Mobilisation

October 20, 2024

Meet the DunganHelp your family embrace God’s love for the world by developing a habit of learning about other cultures. Read this story together to learn about and pray for the Dungan (DOON-gahn), an unreached people group living in Central Asia and Mongolia. Come with me to the river valleys and rolling hills of eastern Kyrgyzstan (KEER-giz-stahn) where sheep, cows, and horses graze at the foot of snow-capped mountains. Here, most Dungan families cling to their Muslim traditions and have never heard that Jesus loves them. Do you see that winding, dirt road? At the end, you will find the village of Y
Karen Hardin, Via

October 09, 2024

Nurturing a Missional Heart in Our ChildrenMy mom taught me what it meant to be a mobilizer before I knew the word. If you spoke to her, she might say she was ‘just a housewife’. Yet no conference, course, trip or biography has been more formative in my understanding of missional living. If you are a parent, you may have felt the tension of laboring hard for the kingdom outside your home while heeding the equally important call to tend to the little flock inside it. Not only are we called to reflect the Father in the way we parent, we are commanded to bring children up in the wisdom and instruction of God. Now in ministry
Faith Chang, Keeping Heart

September 24, 2024

Processing Grief Alongside our ChildrenIs it cruel to deliberately let your child suffer grief and loss? As parents, shouldn’t we do what we can to shelter them from pain? My wife, Stephanie, has always looked forward to having children. By the time we were married, I’d talked her down to having four (or six). So when the pregnancy test was positive at the end of our first year of marriage, we were ecstatic. Thad was a bright spark of joy in our lives. Then came a few years without another baby. And a few more years. Because having our firstborn was so easy, we never wondered about infertility until we couldn’t
Ian Fraiser, Via

September 12, 2024

The Goal of Parenting is DiscipleshipPsalm 127:4 says children are like arrows. What do we do with arrows? We place them on a bowstring, pull them back, take aim and let them go. Where are you aiming your children? What is your target? In talking with Christian parents, we’ve discovered multiple targets. “I just want peace and harmony in my home,” one parent says when complaining about how her children fight. “I am tired of doing it all,” another parent says about the lack of help her older kids give her with daily chores. “I am trying to help my children discover what they are really good at
Alicia Bennett, Mobilizer Mom

August 20, 2024

Faith Legacy: My Grandfather Still Inspires MeWhen I graduated from seminary, my aunt sent me a gift that quickly became one of my most prized possessions. When the package arrived, I had no idea what it was. Once opened, the box revealed a recognizable leather-bound Bible that once belonged to my granddad. Four years before I received this package, Granddad went to be with the Lord. During his life, most people knew my granddad as “Dr. Trimble.” He served his community as a surgeon and family practitioner for many decades. My granddad loved Jesus and sought to tell others about him as often as he could. He used his medical p
Frank Trimble, Family Time Training

August 10, 2024

Family Mission Trips: Prepping for Impact“Uh oh,” I thought, looking up the hill. “Thad has no idea what we’re about to see.” I glanced quickly around the parking lot, the Thai heat pressing in around us, and squatted down in front of my son. “Hey, buddy. So we’re about to see some people worshiping in really different ways than we’re used to, and it might be a little scary. Buddhists don’t worship the true God—in fact, they don’t really worship a god at all…”  I gave a quick run-down of the Buddhist faith, trying to keep it simple without missing a
Ian Fraiser, Via

July 17, 2024

Using the Olympics to Shape Your Child’s WorldviewAs believers in Jesus Christ, raising our children with a biblical worldview should be one of our top parenting priorities! Knowing how to use both everyday moments of life (mealtime, academics, sports, activities) and unique events that disrupt the normal (personal family tragedy, local opportunity to serve others less fortunate, world event) to talk to our kids about God is important… because how our children process and interpret these events, both small and big, will shape their worldview. Our worldview is the lens through which we view our immediate circumstances and the world a
Alicia Bennett, Mobilizer Mom

July 09, 2024

10 Globally-Inspired Recipes for Your Family’s TableAs we continue to celebrate Via Families’ 10th anniversary, we’d like to share with your family 10 simple recipes from unreached people groups around the world. Within each group are families created and loved by God who have yet to hear the good news of Jesus.  As you taste these new foods, take some time to learn about the people and places they represent. Then pray together as a family for these people groups to come to know Jesus as Savior. Buckwheat Pancakes Nosu of China  Nian Gao, Sticky Rice Cakes  Bouyei of Southeast Asia Chai
Tamara D

June 18, 2024

Meet the AcehneseHelp your family embrace God’s love for the world by developing a habit of learning about other cultures. Read this story together to learn about and pray for the Acehnese (ah-chuh-NEEZ), an unreached people group in Indonesia.  Welcome to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia! Waves lick the feet of children playing with gray pebbles on the sandy beach. Pineapple trees with thick, crooked trunks line the shore. A red and blue fishing boat sways on the turquoise water. Men gather on the beach to sort large fish into big, plastic containers. Smoke from the grills of vendors roasting
Jenny Marcelene

June 10, 2024

Breath Prayer: Helping Kids Manage Big FeelingsAs parents, we’ve all probably had the experience of watching our child work through big feelings. Perhaps it’s a tearful meltdown. An angry outburst. Or a moody sulking.  To us as adults, the circumstances triggering and surrounding these big feelings seem insignificant sometimes—perhaps even silly. But emotional displays like this are flashing indicator lights of something else going on beneath the surface, something that our children need our help navigating. Fear. Shame. Doubt. Anxiousness.  Navigating emotions takes practice—and as parents, one of o
Bethany Leong

May 20, 2024

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